Over 6 million car accidents occur on the roadways of America each year. While the causes of these accidents vary, the damage they can cause is consistent. Not only can a car accident lead to your car being totaled, it can also cause significant bodily injuries as well.
Once the dust from an accident has settled, you will have a few important decisions to make. One of the main things you need to decide is whether or not you want to file a lawsuit against the other party involved in the accident.
Instead of trying to make this decision on your own, you will need to seek out the help of a personal injury lawyer. With their help, you can get the ball rolling on your personal injury claim.
Here are some of the things you need to know about filing a personal injury claim.
The sudden shock that comes with being in a car accident can make it hard for you to focus. However, you need to try and preserve all of the evidence you can. If you are able to move and get out of the car, you need to start taking pictures.
These pictures need to show the damage done to your car and your body. If at all possible, take pictures of the other car and driver involved in the accident.
Going around and collecting contact information from any witnesses to the accident is also important. The more details and proof you are able to document, the easier you will make it for your lawyer to develop an iron-clad case. Neglecting to invest effort into documenting and collecting evidence may make it hard for you to get the compensation you deserve following an accident.
The main idea behind a personal injury claim is getting compensation for the injuries and other losses caused by an accident. Adequately documenting the health problems caused by an accident is easy when seeking out treatment from medical professionals. Some people avoid going to the doctor because they think the injuries they sustained in an accident are minor.
There are instances when the injuries a person has will be more internal. Rather than waiting for these problems to get worse, you need to let a doctor diagnose and treat the issues you have.
When getting this type of professional medical treatment, you will be provided with detailed documentation. This documentation will be used by your lawyer to build your case. Without this documentation, getting awarded compensation for your injuries will be difficult.
One of the first things you will probably do following an accident is to call the police. Once members of law enforcement arrive, they will begin the process of filling out an accident report.
This report will feature lots of useful information, which is why it is important to get your hands on a copy of it. A police officer will put things like witness statements and who was at fault for the accident in question in their report.
When going in to meet with a lawyer, you need to have this report in hand. Allowing the lawyer to look over it will help you figure out whether or not your case is worth pursuing.
Unless you have extensive knowledge of the personal injury laws in your state, you will be unable to represent yourself in a case like this. Trying to handle this complicated process alone will lead to a number of mistakes being made that can affect the amount of money you are awarded.
The best way to narrow down the selection of personal injury lawyers in your area is by going in for a few consultations. Taking in all of your documentation to these consultations can help you decide if you want to pursue a lawsuit.
In most cases, lawyers who handle these types of cases work on a contingent basis. This means that unless they get you a settlement, they won’t get paid. Rushing through the lawyer selection process is a bad idea that can cost you a lot of money in the long run.
The insurance company representing the other driver may want to settle the suit you file out of court. Instead of writing this off immediately, you need to speak with your lawyer. They will be able to advise you on whether or not a settlement is in your best interest.
With the help of a lawyer, you can negotiate with the insurance company. If you or your lawyer aren’t happy with the settlement amount, you can opt to take the case to court.
A personal injury lawyer will know what your injuries are worth. With this knowledge, they can go up against the insurance company and get you a fair settlement.
If you are like most people, you spend a lot of time on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. While these forums are a great way to stay connected to friends and family members, they are the last place you want to talk about your personal injury lawsuit.
If the lawsuit you have filed claims you have severe injuries, the last thing you need to do is post pictures of your performing physical activities. Most lawyers will advise their clients to stay off of social media until their case has been resolved.
Some people think they will receive a settlement weeks after making a personal injury claim. The truth is that this process is usually a lengthy one.
Are you looking for help with your personal injury claim? You can contact us now to find out about the legal services we offer.