You've suffered an injury and you're wondering how much your settlement is worth. You've come to the right place.
Determining how much money you can get from personal injury case depends on a wide range of factors. Not only does it depend on the treatment you received, but whether you're temporarily or permanently disabled as a result of the injury.
The amount you might receive can also depend on if you were at fault in any way. This can affect a personal injury claim heavily, so it is important that you are transparent when it comes to your involvement.
In this article, we'll go over what you can reasonably expect from a personal injury claim.
Your case will ultimately hinge on who was at fault for your injury. If you are determined to have played a big role in it, you will not likely receive a large settlement or one at all.
For example, if you are attempting to acquire compensation for being hit by a car, you may not receive any if you are found at fault. If you were walking when you did not have the right of way, or you were not at a crosswalk, you may not receive any benefits.
Similarly, if you were biking the wrong way down a road, you will not likely receive anything if you sustained an injury.
This is the same cause of action in workplace injury cases.
If you were operating heavy equipment improperly, you will not likely be compensated for your injuries. However, if your workplace neglected to keep the equipment up-to-date or provide you with the proper training, they may be held liable.
If you are not at fault for your injury, your settlement will typically include your medical treatment. This will include the bills for any time spent in the hospital, as well as any subsequent bills. For example, if you must have a home health aide and go to physical therapy twice a week for two years after the accident, this cost will be included in your settlement.
Your medical treatment, as long as it relates to the accident, will be covered for years to come if your injury requires it.
Your settlement package can also include home repairs or modifications because of your medical condition. For example, if you are temporarily in a wheelchair as a result of your injury, your settlement package may cover the modifications you need to make the home livable.
The settlement will cover medication and other tools necessary to make your life livable again.
Losing property is another part of the settlement package that your lawyer will calculate when attempting to recover a settlement. If your car was completely totaled during the accident, you may receive money for a new one in your package.
If your house was somehow damaged in the accident, you can receive compensation for that. Your bicycle or any other item damaged during the accident will also be part of the settlement.
Your personal injury settlement may also include the loss of your income. This doesn't just mean the money you lost while you were in the hospital or at home, but your potential for earning.
If you worked at a job that pays $45,000 a year, you will likely receive compensation for the exact number of days you missed while recovering. However, if you are never able to return to work, you may receive the amount of money you would have made at your job over your lifetime. Your lawyer may calculate this in terms of the amount of money they predict you should have earned during that time period.
Many people suffer from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) or other problems as a result of accidents. If this is the case for you, you may need to seek mental health assistance. As this is not free, you will more than likely receive money in your settlement package to cover this.
This will include every visit to your therapist, any inpatient stays to help you cope with anxiety and stress and any medication you may have begun to take as a result of mental stress.
Loss of consortium means that you and your family are entitled to money if the injury has affected your relationship with your spouse. This is especially true if the injury has damaged your sex life. If this is the case, you may receive an award for this particular hardship.
In some states, this benefit extends to your children. If you are unable to be a proper parent due to your injuries, you may also receive some kind of compensation for this.
Distinct from medical treatments, you may receive an award for pain and suffering. This means that you will receive money for the physical pain the injury has caused and may continue, to cause you.
Your lawyer will most often set this award and decide how much money you should receive as compensation. You lawyer will base calculations on things like how long your injury has caused you pain and suffering.
Typically, several experts work together to create an estimate of what you deserve. This may include the work of doctors, medical experts, economists, and rehabilitation specialists.
Sometimes, the other party's insurance will offer you a settlement. If you do not think it is fair, contact a personal injury lawyer. He or she will help you receive a fair sum.
A personal injury lawyer will work with your specific personal injury case to ensure that you receive as much money as you are owed. This may be more or less than you were expecting or hoping for. However, a lawyer is your best bet for receiving a fair sum.
For more information on personal injury law and how much you could receive, visit our website.